Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fear, Hope, Greed, and Bragging

once you have mastered IGNORANCE by using quant or t/a, beware the other four horsemen of the apocalypse!-- Fear, Hope, Greed, and Bragging.

they also are deadly enemies. when you enter the market with quant, with your own working algorithm, you will encounter a storm of bad signs, fear; people on forums saying bad things about the stock, t/a saying it's not ripe, etc., etc. these are only demons- they have no substance. do not argue with them. go your way and make your trade. yes, sometimes you will be wrong- but to be right 9 times you must be wrong at least once. that is the law.

false hope comes upon you when you are weak. you have erred and are unwilling to take the hit and get out. defeat it with the cold savagery of the click of a mouse, grasshopper- jump! get out! live to fight another day! follow your plan!

greed is the evil cousin of false hope. wicked unto the ends of the earth! take your predetermined profit and run like hell!!

bragging is the steed of the foolish, and its vile spurs are arrogance! pride is its vain armour, and shall be soon pierced by the arrows of the market makers! take heed, therefore, and avail yourself of wise counsel: keep silent, be as the grass, strike like the lion, disappear like the wind.

if you think i'm just bs'ing you with this stuff, then you haven't been in the market very long.
next blog: heck, i dunno- i'll think of something.

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